
Thinking of her, sweet lady -
Holding hands, kissing? Maybe.
What do I know about her?
Only fact: It's a ma'am, not a sire.

Solemn sitting at some beach,
Staring at the clouds out of reach.
Thoughts about talking to her - endless prayer,
Mental drowning, thoughts powerful slayer.

Where's the fun, where is it?
Reality's a saucer full of shit.
Oh fate, turn on the flirt-lamp,
Oh dear fate, why do love turns into a swamp?

Charming smile heating up my heart,
Unable to answer, even to start.
Fearful tears falling of the face -
Will there ever be a girl daring to embrace?

Damned emotions, harassing me,
Seems to be the engineers fee.
Logic, formulas and all that stuff -
Makes science easier but life more rough.

Where's the fun, where is it?
Reality's a saucer full of shit.
Oh fate, turn on the flirt-lamp,
Oh dear fate, why do love turns into a swamp?

So much said about love,
You've to hold it with a glove.
Neither too soft nor too hard,
Failure - the everlasting guard.

'Take it easy' - easier said than done,
Hope destroyed and gone.
Mission objective not fulfilled,
Earned no right to be chilled.

Where's the fun, where is it?
Reality's a saucer full of shit.
Oh fate, turn on the flirt-lamp,
Oh dear fate, why do love turns into a swamp?

Next mission in sight,
Smiling at me very bright.
First I've to fight my very own demons -
Lying in my innards for eons.

Maybe then happiness can enter my life -
Cheer up my soul like gelee royale in a hive.
'Maybe' - a nice word, so meaningful,
Maybe, but may it be? It's all hollow and dull.

Where's the fun, where is it?

(c) Michael Twarkowsky, 29th August 2007, Spain